Stop Neal Katyal

Judge Quraishi has ruled that the ballots shall be in a “office block” design and all county clerks have withdrawn from the appeal. Camden County Democratic Committee is the sole remaining party to the appeal.

Chairman Kevin McCabe has retained Neal Katyal—to the tune of $2,500 per hour—to write an amicus brief in support of the Camden County Democratic Committee’s appeal.

We don’t want Party funds used to support an undemocratic and unconstitutional primary ballot that takes power away from voters and keeps it in the hands of Democratic party bosses.

This letter goes to your elected officials in Middlesex County, including Chairman McCabe. In addition, it will go to:

  • LD 14 Greenstein, DeAngelo, McCoy
  • LD 16: Zwicker, Frieman, Drulis
  • LD 17: Smith, Danielsen, Egan
  • LD18: Diegnan, Karabinchak, Stanley
  • LD19: Vitale, Coughlin, Lopez
  • U.S. Senator Booker
  • Representatives Pallone and Watson-Coleman
  • Senate President, Nick Scutari
  • NJ State Democratic Chairman, Leroy Jones

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