Stop Systematic Violence Against Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Communities in Buenos Aires​, Colombia

Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective - WfPSC - calls for solidarity with Indigenous, Afro-Colombian and campesinxs communities in resistance.

Take action by contacting your U.S. Representative today, and join in Colombian partners asking for the U.S. Government to:

- Stop all funding of the Colombian military and police forces
- Urge the Colombian Government to fully implement the 2016 Peace Accords
- Guarantee the right of social leaders to defend their rights.

In the aftermath of the 2016 Peace Accords and Ivan Duque government's rise to power in 2018, there has been a reconfiguration of armed actors in the region, all of which use paramilitary tactics that have intensified the armed conflict even further. The Colombian Government's response has been to increase the number of uniformed personnel, making Cauca the most militarized department in the country.

The communities, as well as grassroots, local, national and international organizations, have denounced the militarization. Militarization does not provide a comprehensive response by the State to the structural problems, only adds one more armed actor to the conflict, and contributes to the criminalization of social leaders, and worse. The Black, Indigenous, campesinxs and urban Mestizo communities who live in Cauca are organizing and resisting in the midst of this armed conflict. They suffer innumerable attacks on their rights, in direct violation of international humanitarian and human rights laws.