Stop the 15-month ban and delay of bike and pedestrian safety improvements

The Cambridge City Council voted to delay separated bike lanes by an additional 18 months, despite major public outcry. Major connections including Cambridge St, Broadway, and Main St will not be required to be completed until over 3.5 years from now in November 2027.


Cambridge St and Broadway are key routes to many schools. Cambridge Street is home to King Open and Cambridge Street Upper Schools, and is one of the most dangerous streets in the city for people on foot and on bike.

On Cambridge St alone, since 2021 there have been at least 65 crashes of pedestrians and people on bikes (+ other forms of active transportation), which led to at least 43 people being injured. Of those injured, at least 27 left in an ambulance.

This dangerous Policy will:

  • Ban installation of bike lanes and corresponding pedestrian safety improvements on the critical routes of Cambridge St, Broadway, and Main St until as late as mid-2025.

  • Delay the legal deadlines for almost all planned quick-build bike lane and pedestrian safety projects, including Cambridge St, Broadway, and Main St, from April 2026 to November 2027, allowing city staff to delay these projects even more.

Please write to city staff and the City Council asking them to build the separated bike lane network on schedule, with no delays, so we can prevent injuries and crashes before they happen!
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