Stop the Layoffs. Support Students and Workers at Portland State

PSU-AAUP Letterhead

On Tuesday, October 15th, the majority of non-tenure track faculty at Portland State will be receiving notice of layoffs. Instead of doing its work to invest in students and workers to grow Portland State, the Board of Trustees and Administration think they can cut their way to “financial sustainability.”

Instead of investing in the workers at PSU, Administration and the Board’s priorities are in the wrong place. They are spending creative thinking, advocacy, and political capital to fund over $300 million into concrete and steel - a new fine and performing arts building - all the while handing down senseless cuts of $12.5 million to the mission critical aspects of the University - teaching and learning.

These layoffs will gut core general education at Portland State University. What happens to student learning conditions and faculty and staff working conditions without faculty to teach core general education courses, without faculty to teach required courses in the majors, without faculty to teach honors courses, without faculty to direct programs, without faculty to mentor students, without faculty to develop and review curriculum?

Show your solidarity and write President Cudd and the Board of Trustees to demand a stop to these senseless cuts.