Stop the Pipelines! Stand up to Trump's move to destroy our water

Stand up to Trump's move to destroy our water.

Background: On April 22, 2016, Governor Andrew Cuomo's Department of Environmental Conservation denied the 401 Water Quality Certificate for the Constitution Pipeline project, preventing construction to proceed. It was a major victory for all New Yorkers and an inspiration for the entire nation to utilize state law to protect its own water that interstate fossil fuel projects destroy.

And then on April 10, 2019, Donald Trump issued an Executive Order to streamline coal, oil and fracked gas infrastructure, and pass measures to take away the states' rights to protect their water. The Trump appointed EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, a former attorney for the coal industry, issued a proposal on August 22, 2019, to amend the Clean Water Act, to allow coal, oil, and fracked gas infrastructure to override the 401, making it impossible for states to govern and protect their own water.

What we're going to do about this:

The EPA is now taking public comments until October 21, 2019 on the proposal EPA-HQ-OW-2019-0405-0025 to facilitate the destruction of our waters and to make way for more fossil fuel infrastructure. We created this easy to comment tool so we can fill the docket with opposition comments to inform the EPA on the reasons to deny this proposal. Please enter your information to the right, and click "Start Writing". The next page will offer you suggested scientific facts you may use to help form your letter.

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