Submit a public comment to the Energy Facilities Siting Board opposing the construction of a gas meter station and high pressure pipeline in Longmeadow and Springfield

After five years of active resistance to Eversource’s proposal to expand its gas infrastructure in Longmeadow and Springfield, Eversource has nonetheless applied to the state’s Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) for permitting to construct a high-pressure pipeline that will run along heavily-trafficked Longmeadow streets through Forest Park and into an Environmental Justice neighborhood in Springfield.

Now is the time for us to once again register our strong opposition to this dangerous and unnecessary fossil fuel expansion project, and we ask individuals and organizations across the state to submit a public comment by the close of business on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.

You can also amplify the power of your comment by including brief personal content about your reason for opposition and you can circulate this action page widely to anyone who might share your views on this matter. Once you submit, your comments will go directly to Andre Gibeau, Hearing Officer for the EFSB, the MA Department of Public Utilities, and David Rosenzweig, Counsel for Eversource.

Please note that this document will be filed with a public agency. Submitting this form will allow your comments to be shared online.  

Thank you for joining us in this fight!

The Longmeadow Pipeline Awareness Group and the Springfield Climate Justice Coalition