Sugarloaf Protection Plan in Peril

I-270 Boundary Issue Comes Up Again in  Sugarloaf Plan - Let's Get This Right to Protect Farms, Forests and Public Transparency

Residents of Frederick County and indeed the greater region have been watching the Sugarloaf Treasured Management Plan process with concern. The measure at the start was marred by a lack of transparency regarding dealings between the county and development interests. Just prior to the recent election, the plan passed, yet the zoning overlay did not - meaning the plan is missing the teeth that would back up the much needed and hard-won protections provided for in the approved plan.

Last year the planning commission agreed that I270 was the natural boundary for the plan - and they turned down a wealthy developer's plan to carve into the proposed protected area for intensive development.

Now the planning commission is again enduring immense pressure to open the Western side of 270 to development interests - putting protections for farmland and forests - along with public trust and transparency - in peril.

Our partners at Sugarloaf Alliance are requesting your action to keep 270 as the common sense border for Sugarloaf region protections.

For more - a recent OpEd by former FredCo Councilmember Kai Hagen

Click "Start Writing" to let Frederick County planners know that protecting the Sugarloaf region's farms and forests protected is important to you.

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