Support 3 Bills to Stop Saugus Incinerator & Landfill

Burning trash means toxic pollution in the air we breathe. It also means that the toxic ash that’s leftover after burning needs to go somewhere. In Saugus, it goes into an unlined landfill right on site.

Right now, there are three bills you can support to protect neighbors in Saugus, Revere and Lynn who are impacted by the Wheelabrator trash incinerator and ash landfill in Saugus.

The first (H. 930) would prevent companies from constructing landfills, monofills, or ash landfills near designated areas of critical environmental concern. The second (H. 931) would give Boards of Health in cities or towns near solid waste facilities increased say over operations, because the pollution from the incinerator in Saugus doesn't stay there and neighboring communities deserve a say in protecting their health. The third (H. 932) would require the Wheelabrator landfill in Saugus to close in December 2024.

Send a letter to your representatives urging them to support these three bills today.