Support a Moral ARPA Budget!

Sign this letter to show your support in asking Shelby County Commissioners to support our asks in Mayor Harris' ARPA budget, and adopt a Participatory Budgeting process for FY2023
Show up at the next Commissioner’s meeting on Monday, October 18, to share a public comment or testimony on why passing Mayor Harris’s ARPA budget is beneficial to the longevity and sustainability of Shelby County.
The Moral Budget Coalition would like to thank Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris for including several essential service investments identified by the Moral Budget Coalition, including Youth & Adult Mental Health, Targeted Direct Outreach to Connect Residents with Programs, the Homeless Flexibility Fund, and Broadband Access & Planning for At‐Home Learners in Underserved Communities, in the Administration’s proposed American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) budget.
Investing ARPA dollars in these areas would directly impact our most vulnerable neighborhoods, families, workers, and students. The needs of our community are vast, and we hope that if there are amendments made to this proposed budget, they are made to allot additional funding to investments aligned with a moral budget.
Looking forward, we know the process and schedule for next years budget will be decided upon soon, and we have been working with members of the commission and the Mayor’s office to codify a participatory budgeting process for FY2023 that would involve the community and government in an intentional collaboration to create a budget that is truly reflective of our community’s values and needs.