Support Transparency in our Comprehensive Plan

We have an urgent issue requiring immediate engagement. Mayor Randy Taylor's administration is trying to hide from our community that they intend to internally and unilaterally rewrite our 10-year Comprehensive Plan, without the knowledge of the Salisbury City Council.

The Comprehensive Plan outlines the city's vision and direction, covering everything from zoning and housing to sustainability and infrastructure. The Comprehensive Plan has always incorporated the tried-and-true process most of our cities utilize to seek and incorporate community feedback. Our Council members are asking that the city continue that process, but are facing pushback. We highly recommend watching the full video here for all the context (the comprehensive plan outline starts at 3:42 p.m.)

We need to encourage Mayor Randy Taylor and the City Administration that our council and our community deserve to be a part of this vital process.  There are three ways to help:

1. Join us on Tuesday, November 12th at 6 PM at the City Headquarters Building: 115 S Division St - across from the library.  Show up in solidarity and provide public comment. Complete a public comment form when you walk in and share for up to 3 minutes why this is concerning to you. We are asking all to wear a green shirt to show solidarity.

2.  Share this Email. We need to show the City that our residents are ready to take action! Please consider sending an email with this form to directly express your concerns to the Mayor's Office.

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