Take Action Now! Ask Your Representative to Support AMFA

The time to act is NOW!
In less than 30 seconds, you can be part of the groundswell of Americans calling on Congress to right the historic wrong that has given broadcast companies a free pass when it comes to paying singers and musicians for their work on AM/FM radio – just like every other music platform in the United States does!
Please take a few moments to ask your Congressional representatives to support the American Music Fairness Act (AMFA), which will, finally, ensure that recording artists and musicians are paid when their songs are played on AM/FM radio,
The American Music Fairness Act has been introduced in both the U.S. House and Senate, thanks to the advocacy of union members like you and our allies – people who value music creators’ contributions and who understand that being paid for your work is a bedrock American principle.
This is our cue to act. We cannot wait.