Support Common Ground residents

Common Ground, a social and affordable housing estate run by Mission Australia (MA) in inner-city Camperdown, was put into hard lockdown on September 2, after four tenants tested positive for COVID-19. Common Ground was purpose-built for vulnerable community members.

The estate holds 130 residents and is home to many people who were formerly homeless including members of the Aboriginal, transgender, migrant, and refugee communities. They were given no warning about the lockdown, even though two COVID cases were detected in late August.

The Department of Health NSW knew of COVID cases in Common Ground in late August, but did not inform residents. Nor were residents given any warning of lockdown.

Mission Australia and NSW Health placed notes under the doors, only after residents awoke to police and health workers surrounding the building. There has been little communication with residents. The 1800 number provided by Mission Australia has been staffed by people saying ‘this is a maintenance line, or I can’t answer this question.’ Some residents don’t have phones.

The over-policed, heavy-handed lockdown rollout was, and remains, intimidatory and demeaning.

On Friday 3rd September at 10 pm six police cars, sirens blaring blocked off Pyrmont Bridge Road. One resident was taken out in a stretcher, but no information has been given to residents about who, or why. Health officials have only started to call residents about their medication needs. Pets are not being walked.

The residents are aware that COVID-19 is deadly and don’t want to infect anyone in the community. They thank NSW health and frontline nursing staff for putting their health on the line to assist with testing and vaccinations, but the bullying and coercive actions by police, security, or Common Grounds management cannot be tolerated.

Robin, Common Grounds resident action group spokesperson said ‘we are asking to be respected and request not to be talked down to. We are proud of our community and reject any and all assertions that we are anything other than a group of individuals demanding to be treated fairly.’

Sign the petition to demand:

1. The Department of Health NSW to meet the Common Ground Action Group and clarify the situation of COVID-19 in their building.
2. A town hall zoom meeting of all residents in Common Ground. Residents want to chair the meeting.  
3. Immediate and respectful delivery of appropriate medicines to residents, culturally appropriate and peer-to-peer health care rollout for all residents.
4. Rent-free accommodation for all residents in lockdown.
5. Entertainment strategies for Common Ground residents: library drop-offs and free streaming (TV series, podcast, and documentary) services.