Support Housing in Rockridge at 5212 Broadway!

The City of Oakland has recently committed to creating more equitable housing outcomes by up-zoning Rockridge in latest Housing Element. At 5212 Broadway, we have an opportunity to make that real by creating 448 of these new homes. Make your support for the project known by sending a letter to City Officials.
Since proposal in 2017, the project has undergone numerous, significant design iterations based on community input and discussion with City staff to arrive at the current proposal. The project now features:
448 new homes in Rockridge, a historically exclusionary neighborhood which has seen scant new housing in decades. This includes a commitment to 45 affordable homes onsite.
Much needed housing near Rockridge's BART station, supporting transit in the neighborhood. This Is bolstered by commitment to 3X the required number of bike parking spaces.
Extensive historic preservation and reuse including repurposing primary components of the Victorian Treadwell Estate Era and preserving historic landscape with multiple redwood groves, coast live oaks, magnolia trees.
Community access to Macky Lawn, a nature playground, a terrace view deck, and meeting and event space within a historic building.