Support H.R. 3165 & S.1567 Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2021

I am a constituent and I ask for your support of Federal Legislation: H.R. 3165 & S.1567 The Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2021

For over 20 years, research has shown the positive impact that nurses have on patient outcomes when they have safe patient assignments. Studies also show that cost of healthcare is improved due to better outcomes, as well as decreased employee turnover, decreased occupational injury and decreased readmission to hospitals.

Hospitals have demonstrated that they are not willing to invest in hiring proper nurse staffing to provide the care that all patients deserve. Nurses are out there; they just refuse to work in unsafe working environments. The moral distress and risk to losing their license is too great. We need work environments that will keep nurses at the bedside and provide safe patient care. As the experienced nurses retire, we need the less experienced nurse to not only stay, but we need them have safe patient limits so that patient safety is maintained.

S.1567 has been referred to The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Additionally, H.R. 3165 is currently in the House Energy & commerce, and the House Ways & Means. We need to move this legislation forward. Patients in all hospitals deserve the opportunity to receive safe patient care. If you are not already, I am asking you to be a co-sponsor and to help move this bill to the house. How many more decades must patients and nurses continue to suffer? Your constituent.

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Boston, MA