Support Immigrants and Secure Your Private Data Today!

Ashley Burbano for the Thomas Merton Center

Did you know PennDOT sells driver’s license information to private companies?

Can you imagine not being allowed to legally obtain a driver’s license? Something many able-bodied citizens take for granted is the inevitability of securing a license as a rite of passage. The reality is here in Pennsylvania, immigrants without legal status are forced to drive without a license, risking arrest and deportation every time they get behind a wheel. On top of the harm our current licensing system creates for undocumented immigrants, PennDOT is also in the business of selling our private information to 3rd party entities. That’s why the Thomas Merton Center is working with our partners in the Driving PA Forward coalition to pass HB 279 in the PA house of representatives.

It’s simply common sense legislation that impacts all Pennslyvanians. It makes economic sense by generating state revenue, it makes our roads and communities safer, it protects our private data from being sold, and it will make a tangible difference in the lives of undocumented immigrants. Driver’s licenses aren’t just for driving, they’re needed to enter their children’s schools, serve as proof of identification, and even renting a home. The Thomas Merton Center believes the freedom of movement is a human right and that’s why we’re asking you to urge your representative, Lori Mizgorski, to co-sponsor HB 279.

It’s a simple act with significant benefits. By clicking below you can send a quick letter to Rep. Mizgorski’s office urging her to follow through with her commitment to work across party lines. This bill can’t make it to the floor of the house for a vote without Rep. Mizgorski’s support. As a constituent in the 30th district, you have the power to use your voice to move your representative into action. Take action today to secure your personal data and support undocumented immigrants across Pennsylvania!

Click here to see if you're in Rep. Mizgorski's 30th district - or check the image below!District 30 Map Outline

In Solidarity,

The Thomas Merton Center

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Letter Campaign by
Antonio S Lodico
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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