Support Krabbe Newborn Screening in Wisconsin
Ask Wisconsin lawmakers to support SB 194 to add Krabbe to WI's Newborn Screening Panel.
Wisconsin's Collin Cushman (12/19/10 - 1/6/19) was affected by Krabbe Disease and was diagnosed after he was symptomatic, too late to receive lifesaving treatment for the disease.
For diseases like Krabbe, early detection through newborn screening is essential to preventing devastating consequences such as permanent physical and mental disabilities and even death. For children with Krabbe Disease, newborn screening is the only way to ensure all children are eligible for disease-altering treatment.
Ask WI legislators to support SB 194 for Krabbe Newborn Screening by telling them about the importance of newborn screening and what it means to you! By filling out this form, your message will be sent to your state senator and representative.
Please note: Let WI legislators know why you want their support of this important issue by personalizing the message below. Also, your signature and contact information will automatically be included in the signature line.