Support LD 718 to cover health care for Maine immigrants, including all adults!

Please ASK your legislators to support LD 718, so that whole families can be healthy, adults included.  

Maine is making health care progress this year by funding MaineCare for immigrants under age 21 or who are pregnant, regardless of their immigration status. Every Mainer should have access to affordable care, and this is one important step toward that goal. But adults are not covered in the budget, and we need to tell legislators: when we say health care for all, all means all!

The courageous and tenacious advocacy of immigrants from all over Maine has guided and inspired significant progress. Maine must close the health care gap for adults too, so the children who have gained health care under this budget will be able to grow up in homes with healthy parents too, and in a state with healthy and strong communities.

The legislature is wrapping up its work soon, and we need our lawmakers to take action now for health care for all! When we say health care for all, all means all! ALL our immigrant family, friends, and neighbors in Maine need health care.

Thank you for sending a postcard to YOUR legislators! When they hear from you, they know an issue matters!

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