Support SB 2079/HB 3380 – Repeal Illinois' Three Strikes Law

Illinois is one of only a handful of states that still imposes a life without parole sentence for people convicted of a third “strike.” Under the three strikes law, prosecutors can demand a mandatory life sentence for people convicted of their third Class X felony, including drug offenses. When a prosecutor seeks a conviction under the statute, a judge has no option but to hand down the punishment.


  • Three strikes laws do not deter crime. There is a universal consensus that three-strikes laws have no impact on crime rates. One study found three strikes laws may actually increase homicide rates.
  • The strikes law handcuffs judges, removing their discretion.  A judge is barred from considering the underlying facts of the case, a person’s life history, or their growth potential.
  • The strikes law reinforces racist sentencing practices. About 15% of people in Illinois are Black, but 90% of people serving life for a “third strike” are Black or Hispanic.
  • Illinois prison population is aging. Harsh, ineffective sentencing policies like the three strikes law mean a growing proportion of people are incarcerated for longer. Three-quarters of people serving life sentences on their third strike are elderly, costing the state $16.9 million per year.

SB 2079/HB 3380 WOULD:

  • Repeal Illinois’ three strikes law, returning discretion to judges and ending a costly, ineffective, and overly punitive sentencing practice.
  • Allow people currently incarcerated under Illinois’ three strikes law to seek resentencing, ensuring a just and equitable application of the law and creating a pathway to release for hundreds of people who would otherwise die in prison.

Please support SB 2079/HB 3380 and repeal Illinois’ draconian three-strikes law.

Sponsors: Sen. Robert Peters, Rep. Justin Slaughter

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