Support Staff Say: Please Adopt a BCPS Budget That Meets Our Needs

Here’s what happened:
On Tuesday January 22nd at 11 pm, at the behest of the Baltimore County School Board leadership, Verletta White presented a possible change to the original BCPS budget proposal. If these changes are adopted, you could be affected in these ways
1. There would be no step increases next year for teachers or support staff;
2. There would be no Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA’s) next year for teachers or support staff;
3. Requests for additional staff would be rolled back in high schools, school counseling, social work, and school psychology. Those staff increases would have helped address our problems with student behavior and special education and helped decrease class size.
4. The changes would most certainly lead to a cut in the Spring Break fix the Board of Education had proposed.
This budget is basically the smallest budget the Board can request by law- that is wrong for our students and families.
Here’s what you can do to help:
If this bothers you then get involved- you can change what happens next by doing these two things:
1. Send an email today to the Board of Education politely and professionally explaining to them that they cannot balance the budget on the backs of educators. Please ask them to restore our steps and COLA’s in the budget.
2. Come to the February 5th Board of Education budget hearing at Greenwood. It starts at 6 pm. Wear red. RSVP here:
Abby Beytin Jeannette Young
TABCO President ESBPC President