Support the Endowment Tax! Contact your legislator!

Dear activists,
The Endowment Tax (bill H.2824/ S.1834) will introduce a 2.5% excise tax on private college endowments over $1 billion dollars. These institutions have enough money in their endowments to pay the tuition of every student, but instead, they hoard it in the interest of "longevity". We want to tax private endowments, and fund public college.
Not only will this tax incentivize colleges to spend their endowments on their students, it will also generate revenue for progressive initiatives in MA. The tax dollars generated from this tax can fund the Debt Free Future Act, which would make state colleges free of tuition and fees. Fill out this form to tell your legislator to cosponsor Natalie Higgins' endowment tax, reject wealth inequality, and support generations of students!
Thank you!