Support the Hemp Industry

2023 is a crucial year for American hemp producers as the 2018 Farm Bill is due to expire. Congress is now drafting a new Farm Bill that will direct our agricultural and food systems for the next half-decade. During this critical period, the NCIA Hemp Committee is working tirelessly to rally support for amendments that will not only benefit the industry but also our customers. Our requests are as follows:

  1. Adjust the legal definition of hemp to allow up to 1% Total THC:  The current limit is too stringent and can lead to significant crop losses and financial difficulties for farmers and processors. A revised limit will provide much-needed protection.
  2. Promote Treasury Department backing for the Hemp Industry: Clear written guidance from the Treasury to banks and lending services dealing with hemp-related businesses can eliminate current growth restrictions in this rapidly developing industry.
  3. Support HR 3755 for Non-consumable Hemp:  Recognizing the difference between consumable and non-consumable hemp products can promote the use of hemp in various sectors, from textiles to building materials.
  4. Prevent THC Misuse by Teens and Young Adults:  We need extensive educational initiatives to provide accurate information about THC and its potential impacts. This will ensure the growth of the hemp industry doesn't inadvertently lead to misuse among younger populations.

Now is the time to take action! Reach out to your members of Congress and voice your support for the Hemp Industry. Why? Because every phone call, letter, or email can truly make a difference. Congress needs to hear from YOU - their constituents - to understand how crucial these issues are.

Letter Campaign by
San Jose, California