Support Wrentham Educators and Students


Good News! Due to the outpouring of opposition to the proposed policy, the sponsoring school committee member appears to be planning to rescind it at the April 9th meeting. However, we want to ensure that this happens, so please continue with this action and express your opposition to the policy to the Wrentham School Committee. Thank you!


At their meeting on Monday, March 25, 2024, the Wrentham School Committee’s policy subcommittee proposed a new policy, GBI, which is entitled “Staff Participation in Political Activities and Advocacy”. Here is a link to the proposed policy. This policy is similar to a policy that was soundly defeated in Pembroke, MA.

The Wrentham Educators’ Association is strongly opposed to this policy. It is vague and ambiguous and is open to many different interpretations. It is divisive and will open our educators up to micromanagement. It leaves us unable to be supportive to our most marginalized students. The policy raises many questions:

Who decides what is socially permissible or impermissible?

Who decides what is age appropriate?

What effects does this policy have on our marginalized students?

What are the ramifications for educators if this policy is violated?

How does this policy affect our students who may be questioning their identity, even at a young age?

Can our educators not be trusted to do their jobs without this policy?

Wrentham educators work hard and their jobs have become increasingly difficult. If this policy is approved, it will be impossible for our staff to support the diverse needs of our students. Teachers need support from their elected officials, not heightened scrutiny and micromanaging of their work.

This is not a political issue. This is a humanitarian issue. Both sides of the aisle are affected by this policy. It is striking down educators’ ability to speak freely to support students who may be anxious, shy, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, dealing with social issues and more. Students should be allowed to become problem solvers, innovative thinkers and learn about others’ perspectives in a nonjudgmental, safe environment.

To support Wrentham educators and students, please email the members of the Wrentham School Committee and elected officials to tell them to vote down or speak out against this divisive policy which would police and micromanage educators in their classrooms. Please share this with family and friends and ask them to do the same. And come out to the next Wrentham School Committee Meeting on Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm at Delaney School, Gibbons Gymnasium, 120 Taunton St. Wrentham.

Thank you!