VICTORY! Gov. Murphy votes to ban fracking in the Delaware River Watershed

We have wonderful news to share with you! The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) just permanently banned fracking throughout the Delaware River Watershed. This is a huge step in protecting the drinking water supply for 17 million people in the region and averting climate catastrophe.

This victory came after 12 years of rallies, public comments, petitions, letter writing campaigns, and hearings that supporters and allies consistently showed up to support. THANK YOU for being part of this historic and hard fought win! Send an email to Governor Murphy thanking him for using his vote on the DRBC to support the ban and urge him to keep it up.

The DRBC voting members - the Governors of the four states that are part of the Delaware River Watershed (New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) and a federal representative for President Biden from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - voted to ban fracking now and to fast track rules to severely restrict regarding the export of water for fracking from the Basin, and the import of frack wastewater into the Basin. We hope to also get those activities banned.

The next step will be the potential release of regulations within seven months. In order to make this victory complete, we will continue to join with our allies and coalition partners to fight for a total ban that not only prevents fracking in the watershed, but also bans fracking water withdrawals as well as fracking wastewater treatment or disposal within the watershed.

Want to help finish the job? Send an email to Governor Murphy thanking him for using his vote on the DRBC to ban fracking and urge him to finish the job by banning water exports for fracking and wastewater imports as well!

Thank you again for being a part of this historic win for our water! Whether you came to a rally or hearing, made phone calls or sent emails, or shared this campaign on social media, you helped make all of the difference. This victory belongs to you!

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