Take Acton to combat both COVID-19 and the looming income crisis for working people

Please Take Action to thank Governor Scott, Speaker of the House Mitzi Johnson, President pro tempore of the Vermont Senate Tim Ashe, and your local legislators for the first steps they've taken to combat both COVID-19 and the looming income crisis for working people. We have made these first gains, in part, through pressure being applied from working class people via actions organized by the VT AFL-CIO and other allied organizations. But we we need to go much further!.
We may be heading towards a new Great Depression. Therefore we must continue to FIGHT to make sure that working people remain THE priority. We need the State of Vermont to immediately take new measures to respond to the evolving crisis. And in the intermediate and long term, legislation should be adopted to better guarantee the social and economic well-being of all working Vermonters. So please sign the accompanying letter with our demands.