Tell Canada Revenue Agency to revoke charity status of Bnei Akiva Schools

Send a letter to the Canada Revenue Agency asking them to audit Bnei Akiva Schools.

Recently, it was indicated that "a quarter of graduates from a Toronto school join the Israeli military."

Registered charity Bnei Akiva Schools aggressively promotes a foreign military and induces kids to join a force slaughtering Palestinians in violation of Canada Revenue Agency guidelines that prohibit charities from “supporting the armed forces of another country”.

Funneling a large number of students into the Israeli military should be sufficient for revoking Bnei Akiva Schools’ charitable status. But, if this isn’t considered enough, the breadth of its tax receipt should be. CRA rules state clearly that paying private school tuition is not tax deductible except any portion covering “religious” studies. With only a small amount of Bnei Akiva’s budget listed as coming from non-tax receipted sources, the school is likely granting parents the right to claim a subsidy for its promotion of the racist, colonial ideology of Zionism. Or put differently, when the school funnels kids to the Israeli military in possible violation of Canada’s Foreign Enlistment Act all taxpayers are subsidizing this “religious” activity.

The Canada Revenue Agency should immediately investigate Bnei Avika Schools.

Ontario Palestinian Rights Association

Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Palestinian and Jewish Unity

Just Peace Advocates