Tell Congress: End Your Complicity with Biden's Genocide

On January 26, a federal court in Oakland will hear a case filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights against President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Austin for their complicity in the Israeli government’s genocide in Gaza, in violation of international law and the Genocide Convention. Plaintiffs are asking the court to declare that these U.S. officials have failed to prevent and are aiding and abetting genocide. In addition, they are asking for an order to end U.S. military and diplomatic support to Israel.
The hearing comes just two weeks after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) heard arguments on South Africa’s landmark case charging Israel with genocide. South Africa’s charges against Israel at The Hague not only bolster the U.S. case, but have also raised the stakes for the administration in opening it up to future charges. As we await the ICJ’s decision on provisional measures, the January 26 hearing in Oakland is a first step towards holding the Biden administration accountable for its complicity in genocide. While we know true justice will never come from the courts, this case and other legal actions help ensure there is no business as usual for war criminals in our government.
Use this tool to send a letter to your member of Congress to ask for their support in this case, and to urge them to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.