Tell Congress - Pass Strong Climate Legislation NOW!

Last Wednesday the White House and top Democrats agreed in principle on a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that includes many critical climate provisions. This could be our last chance to pass climate legislation before it’s too late for our planet, if we soar past 1.5 degrees Celsius in a decade. Now is the time to ensure the passage of the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill in the House and Senate.

Help us send a strong message to Congress to fight for climate actions we need to protect vulnerable populations and future generations and build a 21st century green economy for all.

The budget package has a long way to go but is moving quickly, as the budget committees and other committees review and add their legislative recommendations to create a giant budget reconciliation bill. A budget reconciliation measure should need only 51 votes to pass the Senate because it avoids a Republican filibuster.

Some key climate measures in the package include climate policies, along with programs for health care, education, immigration -- investing in our human infrastructure:

  • Reducing GHG emissions by 80% by 2030 and adopting a national clean electricity standard that can move us to 100% Clean Energy by 2035.

  • Billions for tax incentives for electric cars, trucks and buses and renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

  • A Civilian Climate Corps (strongly supported by the Sunrise Movement and green jobs with justice groups)

  • Building weatherization, federal procurement of clean vehicles, a tax on methane emissions, and more.

Please join us in sending a loud message to your Congressperson and Senator today (We want to thank Senator Padilla, who is already fighting for climate action in the Senate). The real fight begins now to ensure climate programs (and funding) are not watered down and that lobbyists from Big Oil (like Exxon and Chevron) don’t determine what’s in the final package. Please send your note today as key votes start this week!

Thank you for all you are doing for people and the planet!

Nora, Kathy and Clair

350 Bay Area Action Federal Legislative Action Team

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