Tell Congress to Cosponsor and Pass the Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act!

If Congress does not pass the Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act (WFPPA), S. 135/H.R. 1943, in the 119th Congress, federal wildland firefighters will endure a pay cliff of a 50% cut to their base pay up to $20,000. If this happens, a mass exodus will begin that may be impossible to stop. Thankfully, there is a tremendous amount of bipartisan support for the WFPPA.
Be sure to contact your Senators using this action center, but also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
In addition to continuing existing practices on pay, the bill recognizes the 24/7 working life of wildland firefighters while on assignment, and it calls attention to the burnout and exhaustion that these firefighters experience throughout the year.