Tell Congress to Cosponsor and Pass the Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act!

If Congress does not pass the Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act (WFPPA), S. 2272 & H.R. 5169, federal wildland firefighters will endure a pay cliff of a 50% cut to their base pay up to $20,000. If this happens, a mass exodus will begin that may be impossible to stop. Thankfully, there is a tremendous amount of bipartisan support for the WFPPA.

The bill has been approved through its assigned committee in the Senate, but is facing hurdles in the House of Representatives. Be sure to contact your House members using this action center, but also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

In addition to continuing existing practices on pay, the bill recognizes the 24/7 working life of wildland firefighters while on assignment, and it calls attention to the burnout and exhaustion that these firefighters experience throughout the year.

Letter Campaign by
National Federation of Federal Employees
Washington, District of Columbia