Tell Congress to Fund Our Government, Stop a Shutdown Now!

If Congress does not pass a continuing resolution government spending bill by Sunday, Oct.1, the federal government will shut down and cause a crisis for federal workers and federal contract workers, including countless IAM and National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) members.

Tell Congress to do their job so that federal workers and federal contract workers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, can do theirs!

Most of Congress and President Biden have already agreed on federal spending levels, but a small group of House Republicans are demanding draconian spending cuts and a variety of poison pill policy riders, and threatening to shut down the government if they don’t get their way.

Send this prewritten letter to your legislators insisting that they do everything in their power to avoid a government shutdown that would devastate countless workers with lost wages.

Government shutdowns are most destructive for the IAM's federal contract workers, who work alongside federal employees and perform equally essential work for the nation.

An IAM local lodge president recently wrote an op-ed on the profound impact that government shutdowns have on federal contract workers.

Do not let this small group of extremists put working families out of work and in danger. Tell Congress to pass a continuing resolution and protect the hard-working Americans who keep our government running.

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