Tell DC Council: : Do NOT Roll Back DNA Amendment + DO Remove Remaining Harmful Provisions

Today, DC Council will vote on the Crimnibus aka Councilmember Pinto and Mayor Bowser’s hyper-racist “Secure DC” crime bill for the LAST time at their legislative meeting. The fight is not over yet though! There is still time to remove harmful provisions from the bill.

On Feb 6, the DC Council had their first vote on the Crimnibus. While this passed the first vote, HUNDREDS of you called & emailed and PACKED the Council meeting, resulting in some critical harmful provisions being removed from the bill!

These harm reduction amendments are an important win. Unfortunately, many dangerous provisions still remain and Pinto is trying to add back awful things that were removed. We know that community pressure is clearly working! So, please email and call the DC Council before 2:00 PM today!

Learn more about the Crimnibus on our website:

Sample script:

Hi, My name is _____, I live in Ward ___, and I am calling to ask you not to roll back important harm reduction amendments passed during the first reading of Secure DC and to remove remaining harmful provisions in the bill. Specifically:

  • Vote NO on Councilmember Pinto’s amendment to expand DNA collection
  • Vote YES on Councilmember Lewis-George’s amendment to the anti-mask provisions
  • Vote YES on Councilmember Lewis-George’s amendment to the felony theft threshold provisions
  • Vote YES on Councilmember Trayon White’s amendment to the adverse action hearing provisions

Councilmember, can I count on you to stay strong and not rollback the DNA collection amendment that was passed at first reading and to remove remaining harmful provisions in Secure DC?

Phone numbers:

If you can, please call all 13 councilmembers. But if you can’t, prioritize calling your Ward’s Councilmember, the Chairman, and the At-large members! Remember to mention that you are a DC resident and/or a resident of that councilmember’s ward. Don’t know what Ward you’re in? Find out here.

Chairman Mendelson

(202) 724-8032

At-large CM Robert White

(202) 724-8174

At-large CM Anita Bonds

(202) 741-0918

At-large CM Christina Henderson

(202) 724-8105

At-large CM Kenyan McDuffie

(202) 724-7772

Ward 1 CM Brianne Nadeau

(202) 724-8181

Ward 2 CM Brooke Pinto

(202) 724-8058

Ward 3 CM Matthew Frumin

(202) 724-8062

Ward 4 CM Janeese Lewis-George

(202) 724-8052

Ward 5 CM Zachary Parker

(202) 724-8028

Ward 6 CM Charles Allen

(202) 724-8072

Ward 7 CM Vincent Gray

(202) 724-8068

Ward 8 CM Trayon White

(202) 724-8045

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