Help us improve access to health care for Georgia patients.

Many Georgia patients need consistent and reliable access to the treatments and care prescribed by their health care provider to manage symptoms, control their illness, and lead healthier lives.

However, insurance barriers and middlemen who work between health insurers and drug manufacturers to negotiate prescription drug prices called pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs, are still blocking access to lifesaving health care for many Georgia patients. Many health insurance companies and PBMs receive significant rebates and discounts from pharmaceutical companies for the cost of medications and treatments, but they don’t pass those savings on to patients receiving the care. This causes Georgians to pay more out of their own pockets for the care they need.

Luckily, Georgia lawmakers are considering legislation that will help Georgia patients access the care they need and stop letting PBMs and insurers pocket drug rebates and discounts. House Bill 343 (HB343) aims to reform rebates in Georgia and will increase transparency into opaque health insurer and PBM practices and require insurers and PBMs pass 50% of the rebates they receive from drug companies for the cost of medications onto patients.

Take action and urge Georgia lawmakers to improve health care access and affordability.

Georgia patients can’t wait for relief from high health care costs. PBMs are hoping to wait for years to see if passing rebates back to patients addresses high health care costs, but this is unacceptable for critically ill patients. Join us today and send a letter to your legislators, urging them to support HB343 and improve health care access for patients.

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