Tell Glendale City Council You Support The Clean Energy Alternatives Study
Glendale's public electric utility Glendale Water &
Power is proposing rebuild and expand its fossil fuel power generation facility
known as “Grayson.” Under the proposal, the “repowering” would include
replacing old natural gas turbines with new equipment – ultimately expanding
capacity beyond what is necessary to power Glendale in hopes of selling the
excess power to other utilities. The
cost of the project is estimated to be $500 million, which would be financed
with a bond issuance.
On January 23rd, the city council will vote on motion pausing the proposed project while independent consultants can study the cost and feasibility of alternative clean energy options. This meeting is scheduled for 6:00 PM on city hall. We are asking all concerned citizens to attend if possible. You can also support the cause by writing city council and urging them to proceed with the clean energy study.
We would love your support in person at the January 23rd Glendale City Council meeting, but regardless if you can attend or not, we are asking that you send a letter to all members of city council letting them know you support an independent consultant to study clean energy alternatives.