Tell Gov. Newsom: Sign The BASICs Act!

HUGE NEWS! SB 474 (Becker) has passed in the California Legislature and is on the Governor’s desk waiting for his signature. This bill will reduce the markups on all items sold in California state prison canteens to 35% until 2028, and would greatly improve incarcerated people and their loved one’s ability to purchase essential hygiene items and food supplies.
SB 474, also known as the BASICs Act (Basic, Affordable Supplies for Incarcerated Californians) sailed through the legislature with no opposition thanks to your support and advocacy. But we can’t allow the Governor to veto SB 474, which is why we need your help today.
Send a quick note to Governor Newsom right now urging that he sign SB 474!
SB 474 is co-sponsored by Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (EBC), Legal Aid at Work, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (LSPC) / All Of Us Or None, MILPA Collective, and Women’s Foundation California Solís Policy Institute