Tell Governor DeWine to Draw Fair, LEGAL State Board of Education Districts

Demand fair, LEGAL State Board of Education districts ahead of the November General Election!
Five State Board of Education seats are up for election in November 2022 and Governor DeWine is forcing Ohio to use unfair districts that violate state law.
The governor released new State Board districts back in February based on Ohio Senate districts since discarded by the Ohio Supreme Court. Now, those same State Board districts violate state laws because he did not reconfigure the boundaries using Ohio's new 2022 Senate districts.
Candidates must file by August 10 to run for those five State Board seats up for election in November, making it urgent that the DeWine administration act soon.
As safety and honest education continue to be top priorities for millions of students, families, educators, and voters across the state, Ohioans need fair, representational, districts that respect state law. These districts must allow Ohioans to elect leaders who represent the students, families, and educators of the districts they serve.
Send an email to Governor DeWine demanding fair and legal State Board of Education districts.