Tell Jagmeet Singh to withdraw from anti-Palestinian conference

Tomorrow and Tuesday, October 16 and 17, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) and Canada’s Jewish Federations are hosting a conference in Ottawa, co-sponsored by the Jewish National Fund (JNF). While framed as fighting antisemitism, this long-planned event includes a slew of leading anti-Palestinian speakers.

Write and tell Jagmeet  Singh to withdraw from this anti-Palestinian conference.

A conference headliner features “international human rights” lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky who recently tweeted an image of an Israeli military boot crushing a Palestinian bug. When challenged on the genocidal meme Ostrovsky responded, “these are not 'people'. This is Hamas- savages and barbarians. Exactly like vermin.”

CIJA says the “most important” goal of the conference is “showing our collective support for the people and land of Israel.” Specifically, CIJA CEO Shimon Koffler says he wants the conference to build pressure on politicians to “declare that anti-Zionism equals antisemitism.”

Jagmeet Singh is scheduled to speak alongside Ostrovsky, Koffler and representatives from Christians United for Israel, Honest Reporting Canada and other openly anti-Palestinian groups.

Read press release.

Please take action and call on the NDP leader to withdraw from this conference and to denounce Israel’s genocidal policy on Gaza.

Initiated by:

Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Just Peace Advocates

Palestine House

Oakville Palestinian Rights Association

Palestinian and Jewish Unity