Tell lawmakers to pass HB 322!

🚨On Thursday, April 4th, House Education will hear a critical bill that protects your right to teach without distraction. 🚨

HB 322 protects your right to teach free from distraction so you can focus on student's learning.

LFT filed HB 322 to address your challenges in maintaining a conducive learning environment for all students. This bill makes it clear that disrupting the orderly instruction of other students, and safety threats, will result in removal from the classroom for that class period

    • HB 322 allows teachers to teach without interruptions.
    • HB 322 prohibits a principal or administrator from retaliating against teachers for exercising the right to remove a student who disrupts the classroom setting.
    • HB 322 addresses the problem of a student whose behavior prevents the other students from learning.

We need you to tell your legislators that this bill is important to you!

Sharing your personal experiences and providing examples of the situations you’re faced with in your classrooms daily will make the greatest impact. You’ve told us how the policies at your schools are falling short. Now is the time to make sure your lawmakers hear firsthand how important HB 322 is to allow you to teach free from distraction.

ACT NOW and make your voice heard. Click "start writing" to add your signature to a pre-written letter to your representatives asking them to vote for House Bill 322.