Tell Lawmakers to Protect Medicaid, Let the Veto Stand
Thanks to an outpouring of support, Governor Kasich heeded the call to veto a proposal in the state budget to end enrollment in the Medicaid expansion starting in July, 2018.
But lawmakers haven’t given up. House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger has scheduled an unusual holiday-week legislative session for Thursday, July 6 at 9am, and has indicated there are enough votes in his chamber to override the Governor’s veto (the bill received 59 of the 60 votes needed for a veto override, but some “no” votes came from conservative lawmakers who may be persuaded to flip). The Senate President, whose chamber passed the budget with a veto-proof margin, has not yet scheduled a vote.
To clear this one last hurdle to protect Medicaid expansion enrollees, lawmakers need to hear from their constituents. Fill out this form to tell your State Senator and State Representative to let the Governor's veto stand.