Urge Your Legislators to Support MTA's 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda

Our recent, historic victories -- the Student Opportunity Act, Fair Share Amendment and Question 2 to replace the MCAS graduation requirement -- have created an unprecedented opportunity to tackle the challenges facing our public schools and colleges and to reimagine public education, PreK through higher education.
The Massachusetts Teachers Association's legislative priorities for the 2025-2026 session represent the next steps in advancing our vision for public education by:
Addressing the public school fiscal crisis that is undermining our capacity to deliver high quality public education to all students.
Taking additional steps toward realizing a true high-quality, debt-free public higher education system that meets the needs of students, faculty and staff.
Protecting and strengthening the retirement benefits of educators and other public employees.
Offering a comprehensive platform for public schools that prepare all students for success throughout their lives and recognize the work of educators.
You can learn more about each of the MTA’s 2025-2026 priority bills by clicking here.
Please email your Senator and Representative right away and urge them to co-sponsor and support the MTA's legislative priorities. Please also call your legislators to follow up on your email. You can find your legislators' phone numbers by clicking here.