Tell Met Council We Support More Homes in the Twin Cities

Comment on Imagine 2050 With your vision of an abundant future; neighbors for more neighbors logo on the right and a small drawing of a duplex
Contains the Imagine 2050 Logo from Metropolitan Council of MN
Met Council is developing Imagine 2050, the next blueprint for Metro area cities to base their comprehensive plans on. For the first time Met Council is basing recommendations not solely on costs to provide services, but also on climate action. We are excited to support the pro-climate action vision the Met Council has put forward! But we need your help to ensure our communities are able to build enough homes for all Minnesotans with the gentle density increases

that we believe are required.

Imagine 2050 is our chance to help shape the direction all communities in the Metro area take. We need strong climate-responsive action on land use.

Please help us show the Met Council that density is good, actually, and with it we can achieve more climate action goals and have enough homes for everyone.