Tell Minnesota legislators to Study a Regional Twin Cities Bikeshare Program

We need a publicly managed bikeshare program in the Twin Cities. Tell legislators to commission a study this session.
Bike sharing is a critically important part of the transportation system. It is critical for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring that residents have affordable first/last mile travel options. Despite this need, the current privatized patchwork of bikesharing in the Twin Cities inherently fails in providing affordable and equitable access to micromobility. Bike share options are expensive and have spotty coverage areas, with little coordination across city boundaries. This was exacerbated by the closure of Nice Ride after 13 years.
Privatized bike sharing inherently fails to achieve the same levels of use that a public program could. The major barriers to bikeshare use - ubiquity of bikes across spaces, affordability, and equity - are all barriers that are reinforced by the presence of profit incentive.
The legislature should address this issue by directing the Metropolitan Council to study a publicly managed, regional bike share program to serve Saint Paul, Minneapolis and neighboring suburbs. This study would direct the Met Council to evaluate regional bikeshare programs in other cities, to help determine the potential cost and ensure best practices in implementation.
A Met Council managed regional bike/scooter sharing program would provide a major benefit for the environment, the economy, and equity. A public bike-sharing program would increase transportation access across socioeconomic strata, while also allowing for increased transparency and public accountability on issues such as coverage areas and affordability. A Met Council run bikeshare program would ensure that bikeshare seamlessly complements the transit system. Fare cards could be used to pay for bikeshare. Bikeshare stations would be placed near both busy stations and gaps in the transit system. A Met Council-run regional bikeshare system would also ensure better coordination between neighboring cities, ensuring that a person can use bikeshare to travel across city boundaries.
Take action today! Your email will be sent to your state senator, state representative, and Governor Walz.