Tell NY Board of Regents: No More Delays! - Protect Children's Right To An Education

Tens of thousands of children are being denied an education right here in New York, in blatant violation of the law.

Politicians want to appease their powerful buddies and lobbyists and have turned a blind eye to this injustice.

New York State Education Department proposed new regulations that would make it easier for local school officials to enforce minimum standards in non-public schools. The failing schools, aided by elite schools who enjoy the status quo, banded together to derail those regulations.

If the Board of Regents doesn't vote on those regulations soon, it will expire, and at least one more year will go by with tens of thousands of children receiving little or no secular education.

Urge the Board of Regents to pass the regulations now!

Letter Campaign by
Naftuli Moster
New City, New York