Tell NY Dept. of Labor Tipped Workers Need a Raise

URGENT: action needed to increase the minimum wage for New Yorkers who rely on tips

The NYS Wage Board just recommended a significant increase in the minimum wage for nearly a quarter of a million New Yorkers who depend on tips as a major part of their income. The proposal is moderate, an increase to $7.50 /hour. It’s not the full increase that “tipped wage” workers deserve, but it’s still an unprecedented move in the right direction. Here’s the problem: corporate lobbyists are going into a frenzy trying to block this proposal and keep hundreds of thousands of workers and families in poverty. It’s essential that we flood the Wage Board with comments RIGHT NOW to keep the 1% from derailing this people’s victory at the last second.

The deadline is Friday, February 20th! Please sign now and share this page widely.

Letter Campaign by
West McNeill
Latham, New York