Tell NYS lawmakers to ban geofence warrants!

Privacy advocates and Big Tech finally agree on something: Geofence warrants have got to go!

Through "geofence" or reverse location warrants, law enforcement can access the geolocation data of hundreds or thousands of New Yorkers who are under no suspicion of having committed a crime. Unlike normal warrants that concern one person at a time, geofence warrants allow police to see location data covering any geographic area over any period of time, including reproductive health clinics, immigration court, and other sensitive locations. Reverse keyword warrants similarly allow police to obtain countless search histories, identifying everyone seeking a specific term.

We are calling on our senators and representatives to voice support for the Reverse Location and Reverse Keyword Search Prohibition Act (A3306/S217), sponsored by Rep. Solages and Sen. Myrie. Write your NYS representatives today demanding they support the Reverse Location and Reverse Keyword Search Prohibition Act to ban police use of geofence and reverse keyword warrants.