Tell PA senators: Put our lives before profits!

Republican governors in Massachusetts, Maryland, and Ohio have instituted business closures and stay-at-home rules that are roughly as stringent as those in Pennsylvania.

Only here in Pennsylvania, the Republican Party is trying to overturn those rules. And on Tuesday, they voted to do so in the Pennsylvania House. They also voted against protecting workers who would likely be forced to work in dangerous conditions. Now it’s up to the Senate where a vote will happen on Wednesday, April 15. Can you please use this tool to tell your senator to vote NO on SB 613?

Many of you took action to try to convince your representatives to vote no. Only two Republicans heard you. But we are not giving up—we hope that Republican senators who have larger districts might listen to reason and their constituents, not the business interests who are willing to sacrifice the health of their employees and customers for the sake of their profits.

We all know that both business owners and employees are hurting now. But we also know that the answer is to provide more relief for businesses and their employees, not to put their lives and those of the rest of us at risk by going back to work too soon.

Please use this tool to ask your senator to put partisan politics aside and vote for people over profits.

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