Tell Seattle City Council to pass I-137 now!

Beautiful multi-family housing nestled in trees. Pedestrians and cyclists of all ages, races, and abilities walk through the courtyard on a wide multi-use path.

We are in a housing crisis that requires urgent action.

Seattle voters have already shown strong support for social housing.

Tell the Seattle City Council to pass I-137 and support social housing now.

If they don't pass I-137 outright, then the next best option is for them to put it on the November ballot.

(Otherwise we will have to have a special election in February, which will delay action and hurt voter turnout.)


When you're done sending this letter, you can also:

1. Call to have your voice counted:

2. Speak at Council on Tuesday 8/6/24 to show solidarity:

3. Share a link to this letter with others!

Screenshot of Sara Nelson tweeting: "Council should let the voters decide without interference." On July 14, 2022
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