Tell South Carolina Lawmakers: Reject the Healthcare Ban & Protect Trans Youth!

Tell South Carolina Lawmakers: Reject Anti-Transgender Healthcare Restrictions

The 2024 legislative session hasn't even started yet, and anti-LGBTQ+ extremists are already pushing a number of destructive, harmful bills in South Carolina. One of the most dangerous bills is H.4624, a ban on medically-necessary healthcare for transgender youth, which would force hundreds of families to travel long distances for care – and the SC House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee is holding a hearing on the bill on Wednesday, January 10.

Young trans people deserve our acceptance and support, not hateful rhetoric and discriminatory laws that will force them to travel and navigate a complex legal landscape to get the care they need.

Before the hearing, please take action and rush a message to the committee members to stop H.4624 and any anti-transgender healthcare bans.

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