Tell State Legislators: Pledge to Support the Big 5 Legislative Priorities to Fully Fund our Schools by Taxing the Rich Statewide

If you want to join the fight to place a more equitable share of the tax burden on the rich and call on our legislators to put progressive language into action, join the People’s Big 5 Campaign to Fully fund our Schools with two easy steps:

  1. Sign the Big 5 Pledge:

  2. Email Your Legislators

The state’s expert in school finance policy, University of Washington Professor David Knight published a report that laid out what he calls the “Big 5” legislative priorities to fully and equitably fund our schools.

What is significant about his plan is that it disrupts what our lawmakers have prioritized for education for the upcoming legislative session. Lucky for them, they have until January to come up with new legislation or reintroduce bills that failed last session.

To read the full article introducing the Big 5 Campaign, check it out in the South Seattle Emerald. Or check out: Fox 13 News: SPS Closures + Big 5 Coverage

Knight’s “Big 5” challenges our state lawmakers, agencies, and education associations’ growing consensus around what they call the “Big 3”, calling their plan insufficient.
In the face of political apathy from status quo Democrats, a growing coalition of rank-and-file educators, youth, parents, and community members from across the state are putting pressure on our legislature to take action on the Big 5 in January. If you would like to be more involved in this campaign, or if you are part of an organization that would like to endorse this campaign, please sign on individually or as an organization to this pledge


By taking this action, you are strengthening the fight for true educational justice in Washington.