Tell the City to make water bills fair and affordable.

Water bills in Wilmington have been going up fast. Many of us are paying as much a month as we used to pay every quarter. Water billing should pay for water/sewer services and not be used as a back-door tax.

The city is using harmful collections tactics like water shut-offs and foreclosures to collect back-due water bills.

We need the City to reduce the harm of its billing practices on families and neighborhoods and develop a rate structure that is fair and makes water affordable for everyone.

Ask City Council to Vote NO! to raising water bills:
  • Don't support 5.8% water rate increase this year
And YES! to create protection for people:
  • Stop using foreclosure to collect overdue water bills from homeowners.
  • End water shut-offs for families with a senior, disabled person, or child under 5.
  • Set water rates to maintain infrastructure and make water bills affordable.

Send a letter to City Council Today! Use the form to start writing now.

We all need water! Help make water affordable for everyone.

H.O.M.E.S. Campaign

Letter Campaign by
Branden Fletcher
New Castle, Delaware
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