Tell the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Cancel the Rio Bravo Pipeline!

We need your help stopping a dangerous gas pipeline proposed for South Texas called the Rio Bravo Pipeline. If built, the Rio Bravo Pipeline would supply highly flammable gas to the proposed Rio Grande LNG gas plant at the Port of Brownsville, TX. Help by submitting a comment to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) opposing the gas pipeline before September 22.

For years, South Texas communities have opposed the Rio Bravo Pipeline and the Rio Grande LNG projects because it would destroy wildlife habitat, wetlands, and sacred lands of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas and pollute low-income communities of color to build a 137-mile-long double pipeline and gas plant spanning about 1,000 acres.

Big pipelines like Rio Bravo are risky for wildlife and neighborhoods along the route. This pipe would be owned and operated by the Enbridge company, which has a history of pipeline explosions, ruptures, and spills that devastated a lake, destroyed homes, and killed people. In 2014, an East Texas man was killed after mistakenly driving a lawn mower over an exposed Enbridge gas pipeline that exploded. Texas has more miles of pipeline than roads, and the Texas Railroad Commission tasked with monitoring pipeline safety is understaffed and underresourced by the State. Please read our fact sheet for more background.

Tell the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that the people of South Texas do not want a dangerous pipeline that would worsen climate change and threaten families along the pipe route with explosions. Please sign and share this comment form.  

*Comment form is by the South Texas Environmental Justice Network. Click to follow us on Facebook.

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